How do I write an Employment Contract UK?

If you are an employer in the United Kingdom, you will need to have a written employment contract (also known as a written statement of main terms) with each of your employees. This document will outline the terms and conditions of the employee’s job, and protect both the employer and the employee in case of any disputes. In this blog post, we will discuss how to write employment contracts. 

What is an Employment Contract?

An employment contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer and their employee. It outlines the responsibilities, expectations, and requirements of the employment relationship. A contract typically includes information such as job role, pay, and working hours. Depending on the nature of the organisation or situation, employment contracts may contain additional clauses such as payment schedules or other terms of employment. A written employment contract can help to protect both parties in case any disputes arise over the course of employment. Having a clearly defined employment contract protects employers from potential litigation as it outlines what an employee has agreed to when entering into said employment agreement. Furthermore, a well-defined employment contract allows both parties to have peace of mind in knowing what roles and rights each party holds in the professional relationship.

What should be included in an Employment Contract UK?

If you are looking for an employment contract UK template, there are several key pieces of information that must be included. Details regarding the employee’s job role, primary duties and the duration of employment should be clearly outlined, as well as any salary information or benefits such as healthcare or holiday entitlements. Furthermore, the employment contract must include possible grounds for termination and guidelines around confidentiality – both to protect employees as well as employers.

Finally, all specific agreements made in writing surrounding employees’ contracts should be signed and dated by both parties to ensure clarity between the employee and employer.  Employers must make sure that their legal obligations are fulfilled when writing employment contracts. Having a comprehensive template is therefore important to ensure that all regulatory standards have been taken into consideration.

How do you write an Employment Contract UK specific to your business needs?

Writing an employment contract that meets the specific needs of any business can be a difficult task. It is important to take into account all relevant legislation, as well as your own company policies when creating this contract, so it should not be taken lightly. If you do not feel particularly confident or knowledgeable in this area, allow a professional to write this contract for you.

You can outsource the process by hiring a company like us here at Harwood HR which specialises in the writing of UK-specific employment contracts. We will be up to date on any recent legal changes and will be able to tailor make a document that suits the exact needs of your business, ensuring that it conforms with UK legislation at all times. By approaching this process carefully and seeking professional advice when necessary, you can guarantee both yourself and your future employee’s fair treatment for years to come.

When do I need to get a Contract Signed?

Since 6 April 2020, the Employment Rights Regulations 2018 confirms employees are entitled to receive the written statement from day one of their employment and it should not be given any later than their first day.  Therefore, sending out a copy of an employment contract before employment begins gives time for the employee to review and take appropriate legal advice before signing the contract if they wish. Furthermore, having an employment contract signed as soon as possible means any disputes or misunderstandings can be more easily addressed in a timely manner. For this reason, it is always advisable to get an employment contract signed at the earliest opportunity.


Writing a comprehensive employment contract is essential for any business. Employment contracts reduce the risk of tribunal claims from employees. They can also provide healthy working relationships, as they establish the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, making it clear what would be considered unacceptable for an employee to do. Additionally, protecting your business’s confidential information with a confidentiality clause helps ensure that sensitive materials such as customer data aren’t leaked in any way. Employees also have the benefit of understanding their rights within the company and being able to refer back to the terms of their contract if they ever feel they are treated unfairly or if circumstances change. Writing Employment Contracts provides protection from unexpected legal claims and ensures your business won’t be breaking any employment laws.

If you need assistance drafting or reviewing an employment contract UK, please do not hesitate to contact our team of HR experts and consultants at Harwood HR.


What happens if you don’t have a staff handbook?

Without a staff handbook, there can be a lot of confusion in the workplace. It is not a legal requirement to have a staff handbook but employees may not know what is expected of them or how to handle certain situations because they do not have clear guidelines from their employer. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between employees, supervisors, and management. This blog will cover some of the other complications your business could face without a staff handbook. 

Your employees may not know what the company policies are.

Unless your staff are aware of the company policies and procedures, day-to-day operations may not run as smoothly as they could. It is essential to ensure that all employees are aware of what is expected of them and receive proper guidance on how to go about doing their work efficiently and safely. Staff handbooks should be available in order to provide general information regarding workplace safety, acceptable behaviour, employee health and wellbeing, dress code, visitors’ access rights, information about disciplinary and grievance procedures, as well as any leave requests or holiday policy.

In addition, staff should also be made aware of additional policies that the company may have such as a harassment policy, social media policy, an electronic device policy and so on. Having these regulations readily available helps to support staff in conducting their daily duties while also having an understanding of the overall expectations put forth by the business. Ensuring employees know the policies set forth by your business sets everyone up for success and increases productivity while strengthening staff morale and ensuring there is a foundation for members to stand on. There is usually a lot of information in a staff handbook that people working in a company want to know, so although it is not a legal requirement to have a staff handbook, it can give a poor image to employees in the absence of one and also leave the Company open when things go wrong.

You may have a hard time enforcing rules without a staff handbook

The importance of having a written policy when managing people cannot be overstated. Without one, it can be difficult to ensure consistent and fair treatment, i.e. during a disciplinary process. Written policies also offer objectives and guidelines that provide clarity in the workplace. Not only that, but employees are more likely to comply with regulations if they are laid out in writing. Additionally, written policies help protect companies from legal claims and can even help with employee wellbeing, such as by providing guidance around maternity and paternity leave policies.

All of this means that companies should form clear policies and ensure those rules are clearly laid out in staff handbooks for everyone’s reference. Doing so is essential for the smooth running of any business and the ongoing protection against activities not aligned with the best interests of their teams.  By taking time to create coherent and comprehensive written policies, companies demonstrate commitment to their employee’s safety, security and development which leads to overall satisfaction among its staff members from top executives all the way down to interns or entry-level positions.

Your business may appear disorganised and unprofessional

A careless approach to your business can make it appear disorganised and less professional, even if you provide quality products or services. This can lead to employees becoming frustrated and distrusting of the company. That’s why having clear company policies and procedures in place is essential. Company policies provide staff with guidance on how to handle their duties and responsibilities, promoting a consistent standard of behaviour across the workplace. It also helps staff members understand how their actions may affect others in the workplace, as well as any potential legal issues they might face when carrying out certain activities.

Additionally, a comprehensive staff handbook can be beneficial in providing employees with easier access to a range of information about the organisation, such as any changes in company policies or updates on corporate operations. By taking steps to ensure that your business is organised and professional, you will be doing yourself a favour in achieving customer satisfaction and building a successful enterprise.


Not having a handbook could put your business at risk in a number of ways. Your employees will be left in the dark about company policies, making it difficult to enforce rules and maintain a professional appearance. You could also miss out on important information that should be included in a staff handbook so if you’re not sure where to start or how to create a handbook, our team of experts can help. We offer HR support services to businesses in London and across the UK, so you can rest assured that your handbook is up-to-date and compliant with all the latest legislation. Contact us today to learn more about our HR  support London services.


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