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Employment Law Changes details in the Labour-Green Paper

Take a look at Employment law changes detailed in the Labour-Green Paper to strengthen workers’ rights to be implemented within the first 100 days of a Labour Government:

Minimum wage rise

In an attempt to crack down on in-work poverty Labour is insisting that minimum wage is increased to at least £10 per hour for all workers.

Ban on unpaid internships

With the exception of those that form part of education or training courses.

Social Security System

Universal credits will be replaced by the social security system, this means low-income earners on benefits will receive more of their take-home pay. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will be raised, and available to all workers, self-employed and those currently restricted by the lower earnings limit. The increase on SSP will also help to prevent workers choosing between their health and potential financial difficulty.

Fair Pay Agreements

Terms and conditions would be established by bringing employer and worker representatives together to cover a variety of topics including, health and safety, pensions, pay, working time, annual leave, D&I, training and implementation of new technologies etc.

Creation of a single status of ‘worker’

To rectify injustice Labour will create a single status ‘worker’ for everyone but the legitimate self-employed. This means all workers will be granted the same basic rights and protection including but not limited to, protection against unfair dismissal, parental leave, holiday pay, sick pay.

Removal of qualifying periods for basic rights

Basic rights such as unfair dismissal, sick pay and parental leave will no longer require a qualifying period.

Ban on zero hours contracts

Labour to ban zero hours contracts in order to provide security and predictability to workers. This also includes contacts that do not include a minimum number of guaranteed hours.

Fire and rehire to be outlawed

Labour government will take action to end fire and rehire.

Right to switch off

To bring a better work-life balance for everyone, workers will have a right to disconnect from work and to not be contacted by their employer outside of contracted hours.

Strengthening Family-Friendly rights

Labour intends to introduce a right to bereavement leave, extend maternity/paternity leave, protect pregnant women from unlawful dismissal, and address the shared parental leave process to encourage the uptake on this.

Trade union legislation

To assist with challenges established within the Green Paper, Labour are committed to updating trade union legislation to fit in our modern economy.

Single Enforcement Body to be established to protect workers

Health and safety, discriminatory practises, minimum wage and worker exploitation will be inspected in workplaces and bring prosecutions and civil proceedings on workers’ behalf.

Self-employed – Rights and protections

To have the same health and safety protections as those who are employed.

Confronting criminal labour exploitation

To ensure accountability if slavery or criminal labour exploitation is discovered, Labour will introduce legislation to give joint and several liability between companies across the supply chain.

Physical health and mental health as equal

A review will be carried out around the law on health and safety at work. Awareness to be raised on neurodiversity in the workplace, mental health and stress provisions to be reviewed.

Pay Gaps

Measures such as enforcing employers to report and eliminate gender, ethnicity and disability pay gaps. It will be made mandatory that companies with more than 250 employees, must publish ethnicity pay gaps reports.

These changes would bring significant workload or HR and employers – is it time to start planning now?

Any questions or for support with this or the future planned updates to employment law

already in place, please contact us.

Harwood HR Solutions

Navigating Employment Law Changes: What the Labour-Green Paper Means for Businesses

Impact of the Labour-Green Paper on Employment Law for Businesses

Rishi Sunak’s rain-sodden announcement of a 4 July general election may have set the stage for an intense period of political debate.

One key area of focus is the employment law changes detailed in the Labour Green Paper, aimed at strengthening workers’ rights. Here are the proposed changes that Labour plans to implement within the first 100 days of their government:

Minimum Wage Rise

Labour is advocating for an increase in the minimum wage to at least £10 per hour for all workers, addressing in-work poverty.

Ban on Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internships, except those that form part of an education or training course, would be banned.

Social Security System

Universal credits will be replaced by a social security system, allowing low-income earners on benefits to retain more of their take-home pay. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will be raised and made available to all workers, including the self-employed and those currently restricted by the lower earnings limit. This aims to prevent workers from having to choose between their health and financial stability.

Fair Pay Agreements

Labour plans to establish terms and conditions by bringing together employer and worker representatives to cover various topics, including health and safety, pensions, pay, working time, annual leave, diversity and inclusion, training, and the implementation of new technologies.

Creation of a Single Status of ‘Worker’

To rectify injustice, Labour will create a single worker status for everyone except the legitimately self-employed. This means all workers will have the same basic rights and protections, such as protection against unfair dismissal, parental leave, holiday pay, and sick pay.

Removal of Qualifying Periods for Basic Rights

Basic rights like unfair dismissal protection, sick pay, and parental leave will no longer require a qualifying period.

Ban on Zero Hours Contracts

Labour intends to ban zero hours contracts to provide workers with security and predictability. This also includes contracts that do not guarantee a minimum number of hours.

Outlawing Fire and Rehire

Labour plans to take action to end fire and rehire practices.

Right to Switch Off

To promote better work-life balance, workers will have the right to disconnect from work and not be contacted by their employer outside of contracted hours.

Strengthening Family-Friendly Rights

Proposals include the right to bereavement leave, extended maternity/paternity leave, protection for pregnant women from unlawful dismissal, and improvements to the shared parental leave process.

Updating Trade Union Legislation

Labour is committed to updating trade union legislation to align with the modern economy.

Single Enforcement Body

A single enforcement body will be established to protect workers, covering health and safety, discriminatory practices, minimum wage enforcement, and worker exploitation. This body will have the power to bring prosecutions and civil proceedings on behalf of workers.

Rights and Protections for the Self-Employed

Self-employed individuals will have the same health and safety protections as employees.

Confronting Criminal Labour Exploitation

Labour will introduce legislation to ensure accountability if slavery or criminal labour exploitation is discovered, with joint and several liability across the supply chain.

Physical and Mental Health Equality

A review of health and safety laws at work will be conducted, raising awareness of neurodiversity, mental health, and stress provisions in the workplace.

Addressing Pay Gaps

Measures will be implemented to enforce employers to report and eliminate gender, ethnicity, and disability pay gaps. Companies with more than 250 employees will be required to publish ethnicity pay gap reports.

These proposed changes could bring significant workload implications for HR and employers. Is it time to start planning now?

For any questions or support with these proposed changes or existing employment law updates, please contact us at 0203 936 9171.

#EmploymentLaw #HRSupport #LabourGreenPaper #WorkersRights

What Training Do You Need for Mental Health?

Essential Training for Mental Health Professionals

Mental health has become a vital focus for many organisations, recognising that a healthy workforce is a productive one. In the UK, businesses in cities like London, Leicester, Warwick, and Oxford are increasingly investing in mental wellness training to support their employees’ well-being. But what exactly does this training involve, and why is it so important?

Understanding Mental Wellness Training

Mental wellness training is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to support their own mental health and that of their colleagues. It aims to create a work environment where mental health issues can be openly discussed and addressed without stigma. This training typically includes several key components:

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)

Similar to physical first aid, MHFA teaches people how to identify, understand, and help someone experiencing a mental health issue. This training is crucial because early intervention can prevent mental health issues from escalating, ensuring individuals get the support they need promptly. It covers a range of topics, from recognising the signs of mental health conditions to providing initial support and guiding someone towards professional help.

Stress Management

Stress management training focuses on recognising the signs of stress and learning techniques to manage it effectively. Chronic stress can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and various health problems. By learning how to manage stress, employees can improve their overall well-being and performance. Techniques often include mindfulness, time management, and relaxation exercises.

Resilience Building

Resilience training helps individuals develop the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. This is crucial for maintaining mental health, especially in high-pressure environments. Resilience training often includes strategies for coping with adversity, maintaining a positive outlook, and building a support network.

Awareness Workshops

Awareness workshops aim to educate employees about mental health, breaking down myths and fostering a supportive culture. Awareness is the first step towards change; when employees understand mental health, they are more likely to seek help and support others. These workshops often include discussions on common mental health conditions, the importance of seeking help, and how to support colleagues.

The Role of HR Consultants

HR consultants play a pivotal role in implementing and maintaining mental wellness training in organisations. They bring expertise and an external perspective that can be invaluable in addressing mental health in the workplace. Here’s how they contribute:

Assessment and Planning

HR consultants start by assessing the current state of mental health within the organisation. They identify key areas where support is needed and develop tailored training programs to address these needs. This involves understanding the unique pressures and challenges faced by employees and creating a plan that fits the organisation’s culture and goals.


Once the plan is in place, our HR consultants in London support the delivery of mental health training. This training is primarily conducted through our online platform, offering live interactive webinars and comprehensive online courses. Our professional approach ensures that the training is engaging and effective, helping employees to better understand and manage mental health issues.

Once the plan is in place, HR consultants in London facilitate the delivery of mental health training. This can be through live interactive webinars, online courses, or a combination of both. Professional delivery ensures that the training is engaging and effective, helping employees to better understand and manage mental health issues.

Ongoing Support

HR consultants provide ongoing support and resources to reinforce training. This includes follow-up sessions, access to mental health resources, and continuous evaluation of the training’s effectiveness. Ongoing support helps maintain momentum and ensures that mental health remains a priority in the workplace.

Practical Steps for Employers

Implementing mental wellness training in your organisation involves several practical steps:

  • Engage with HR Consultants: Start by consulting with a dedicated Harwood HR expert to assess your organisation’s needs. An external perspective can help identify key areas for improvement and ensure that the training is effective.
  • Implement Training Programs: Roll out tailored mental health training across the organisation. Ensure that the training is comprehensive and includes components such as MHFA, stress management, and resilience building.
  • Foster a Supportive Environment: Encourage open conversations about mental health and provide ongoing support. Create a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health issues and seeking help.
  • Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly assess the impact of the training and make adjustments as needed. Continuous evaluation ensures that the training remains relevant and effective.

Empower Your Workforce with Tailored Mental Wellness Training

Investing in mental wellness training is more than just a tick-box exercise; it’s a strategic move to enhance employee well-being and drive organisational success. By partnering with experienced HR consultants like Harwood HR, you can implement effective training programs that support mental health, improve productivity, and create a positive work environment.

Harwood HR’s expertise in workplace mental health training and HR consulting services spans across London, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford and other cities in the UK. We understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in different regions and offer tailored solutions that meet your specific needs. Whether you need comprehensive wellness programs, enhanced employee engagement strategies, or support in developing company policies, Harwood HR is equipped to guide your organisation towards a healthier, more prosperous future.

To learn more about how Harwood HR can help your business, give us a call at 0203 936 9171. Let’s discuss how our HR services can support your workforce’s mental health and well-being, so you can focus on what matters most—growing your business.

What are the Objectives of Customer Service Excellence Training?

Guide to Customer Service Excellence Training

Customer service excellence training is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals and teams with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to deliver exceptional service experiences to customers. It goes beyond basic customer service skills to focus on creating memorable interactions that leave a positive impression and build long-term customer loyalty.

In today’s competitive business landscape, customer service excellence is no longer just a nicety; it’s a necessity. Businesses that prioritise delivering exceptional service not only attract and retain more customers but also enjoy higher customer satisfaction rates and increased profitability. In fact, studies show that customers are willing to pay more for products and services from companies known for outstanding customer service. Therefore, investing in customer service excellence training is crucial for staying ahead in the market and fostering sustainable business growth.

In the following sections, we will explore the specific objectives of these training programs and how they contribute to creating exceptional customer experiences.

The Importance of Customer Service

The primary goal of customer service excellence training is to underline the critical role that customer service plays in the success of a business. It’s not just about handling inquiries and complaints; it’s about creating a positive, memorable experience that encourages customers to return and recommend your business to others. Training helps employees understand how their actions directly impact customer satisfaction and business success.

Objectives of an Exemplary Customer Service Excellence Training

Customer Service Excellence Training is a pivotal investment for businesses and professionals alike, aiming to thrive in an era where consumer expectations are at an all-time high. These training programs are designed with specific objectives in mind, each contributing to the overarching goal of not just meeting but exceeding customer expectations. Here’s a closer look at these objectives:

Improving Customer Satisfaction

The training aims to elevate the level of customer satisfaction. This involves teaching enrollees how to effectively listen to, understand, and respond to customer needs and complaints. Training focuses on developing empathy, patience, and problem-solving skills, ensuring that customers feel heard, valued, and satisfied after every interaction. By improving customer satisfaction, businesses can create more meaningful and lasting relationships with their clients.

Enhancing Customer Loyalty and Retention

Customer loyalty is the backbone of long-term business success. These training programs emphasise the importance of turning positive customer service experiences into opportunities for enhancing loyalty and retention. Employees learn techniques for engaging customers in a manner that encourages them to continue choosing the brand over competitors. This includes understanding the customer’s history with the company, personalising interactions, and offering loyalty rewards or incentives. Enhanced loyalty translates directly into repeat business and a stable revenue stream.

Increasing Sales and Revenue

A direct objective of customer service excellence training is to increase sales and revenue. Satisfied customers are more likely to make additional purchases and recommend the business to others, leading to increased sales opportunities. Training equips employees with the skills to identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities, turning every interaction into a potential sale without making the customer feel pressured. This strategic approach not only boosts immediate sales but also contributes to sustainable revenue growth.

Building a Positive Brand Reputation

In today’s digital age, a brand’s reputation can be built or broken by customer service experiences. These programs aim to ensure that every customer interaction reflects positively on the brand, contributing to a strong and favourable reputation in the market. Employees learn to handle even the most challenging situations with grace, turning potential negative experiences into positive ones that customers are eager to share. A positive brand reputation attracts new customers while retaining existing ones, creating a cycle of growth and success.

 Empowering Enrollees to Deliver Exceptional Service

Finally, customer service excellence training is about empowering your employees. It gives them the tools, knowledge, and confidence they need to provide outstanding service consistently. Training covers product knowledge, communication techniques, and emotional intelligence, among other areas, ensuring that employees feel fully equipped to meet customer needs. Empowered employees are more engaged, motivated, and likely to go the extra mile for customers, which directly contributes to the overall objectives of enhancing satisfaction, loyalty, sales, and reputation.

Handling Complaints and Difficult Situations

No matter how efficient your business is, dealing with complaints and difficult situations is inevitable. Customer service excellence training equips your team with the necessary tools and techniques to handle such scenarios with grace and professionalism. Learning how to turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one can significantly affect customer retention and brand reputation.

Through these objectives, customer service excellence training plays a crucial role in creating a customer-centric culture that drives long-term success, ensuring businesses not only survive but thrive in the ever-demanding marketplace.

Key Components of an Effective Customer Service Excellence Training

For customer service excellence training to be truly effective, it must cover a wide range of skills and competencies that empower employees to deliver service that exceeds customer expectations.

Here are some of the key components you should consider when enrolling in a customer service training program:

Communication skills development

Effective communication lies at the heart of exceptional customer service. Customer service excellence training often focuses on honing communication skills, including active listening, clear articulation, and adapting communication styles to suit diverse customer needs and preferences.

Problem-solving techniques

In customer service, encountering challenges and resolving issues is inevitable. Customer service excellence training equips employees with problem-solving techniques to address customer concerns efficiently and effectively. This may involve identifying root causes, brainstorming solutions, and implementing corrective actions to achieve satisfactory outcomes.

Empathy and emotional intelligence training

Empathy is a critical component of delivering exceptional service experiences. Customer service excellence training emphasises the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence, enabling employees to understand and connect with customers on a deeper level. By demonstrating empathy, employees can validate customer emotions, build trust, and foster positive relationships.

Conflict resolution strategies

Dealing with conflicts and difficult situations is an inevitable aspect of customer service. Customer service excellence training provides employees with conflict resolution strategies to navigate challenging interactions with tact and diplomacy. This may involve de-escalation techniques, active listening, and finding mutually beneficial resolutions to conflicts.

Building rapport and relationship management

Building rapport with customers is essential for fostering long-term relationships and loyalty. Customer service excellence training teaches employees how to establish rapport quickly, create positive first impressions, and maintain meaningful connections throughout customer interaction. By building strong relationships, employees can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty over time.

Taking Your Customer Service to the Next Level with Harwood HR

Investing in customer service excellence training is not just an option—it’s a necessity for any business aiming to stand out in today’s competitive landscape. Harwood HR offers bespoke HR services and training programs tailored to meet the specific needs of your business, ensuring that your team is equipped to handle every customer interaction with confidence and professionalism.

Ready to transform your customer service department and elevate your business? Partner with Harwood HR.

At Harwood HR, we understand the critical role that exceptional customer service plays in driving business success. Our team of experienced HR consultants is dedicated to helping businesses and HR in Manchester, HR in London, HR in Warwick, HR in Oxford, HR in Leicester, or beyond elevate their customer service standards through tailored training programs.

Contact us at 0203 936 9171 and discover how our training programs can help you achieve excellence in customer service.

Let’s work together to create exceptional experiences for you and your customers.


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Understanding the Labour Employment Rights Green Paper: A Blueprint for the Future

The Labour Employment Rights Green Paper The Labour Employment Rights Green Paper represents a significant shift in the UK's approach to employment law, aimed at enhancing worker rights and adapting...

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