HR Consultant in Hinckley

How Can Harwood HR Help You?

Faced with complex HR challenges, as a business, you are presented with two strategic choices: to navigate these hurdles in-house or partner with experts to overcome them. HR Consultancy and Harwood HR Solutions are advocates for the latter. We offer unparalleled expertise. Our HR Consultant in Hinckley comprises seasoned HR professionals, bringing to the table fresh perspectives, best practices, and solutions honed from years of experience.

With our proficiency in all aspects of human resources, we are perfectly positioned to assist all SMEs within the Hinckley area. We can help you stay compliant with Employment Law, advise you on any specific area of the current legislation you may need guidance with, and better your bespoke documentation: contracts, employee handbooks, policies and procedures.
We offer fully outsourced, bespoke HR consultancy in Hinckley from as little as £50 per month, with a range of packages that can be customised for your particular business needs.

A man discussing outsourcing hr services with HR Consultants in Hinckley
Women with a Laptop | HR Consultants in Hinckley

Other services include:

As the HR landscape evolves, your business must adapt to stay competitive. We keep a close watch on industry changes, ensuring that your HR strategies remain current and aligned with your overarching business objectives.

Organisation restructuring

Talent management

Employee wellbeing

Hiring and recruitment

And much more

Retained HR

For businesses in the Hinckley area, we can provide tailored HR solutions for small to medium-sized enterprises. Our skilled consultants offer an unlimited fixed fee service starting from £50 per month meaning you can access support via phone, email or on-site when needed.

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Pay As You Go

If you don't want to be tied into a contract or only require short-term assistance, then our pay-as-you-go options can still get you to get support when needed. We can assist you with phone, email, and on-site support for sudden issues relating to employment-related or business matters. Prices for these services can vary depending on the complexity of the issue at hand and the duration of the assignment to be completed.

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Tailored HR Project Support

If you are facing a complex HR project, we can work with you to create a bespoke, tailored solution that meets your exact needs. Your personalised solution will benefit and enhance your business by meeting individual requirements, so you get exactly what you need when you need it. Our expert HR constants will work to understand your company's needs so we can offer you tailored support via phone, email, and on-site support. Prices for tailored support will vary depending on the role size and the assignment's nature.

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Employment Contracts

By integrating employment contracts, your team gains a comprehensive understanding of their obligations to your organisation. This facilitates adherence to government regulations, promoting a harmonious and compliant work environment that ensures legal conformity and provides peace of mind.

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Company Policies

Enhance your business operations by ensuring that your valued team members have clearly defined responsibilities through employment contracts. With comprehensive knowledge of government regulations, our friendly and knowledgeable HR consultants in Hinckley are here to provide the support you need.

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Staff Handbooks

Experience the convenience of crafting a fully tailored and user-focused staff handbook for your organisation with our exceptional services at Harwood HR Consultants, Hinckley. Our team of dedicated professionals is devoted to delivering unparalleled guidance and personalised assistance that caters to the distinctive requirements of your company.

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Looking for an insightful and informative read on the world of HR? Look no further than Harwood HR blogs!

A man discussing outsourcing hr services with HR Consultants in Hinckley

Protecting Your Rights: What to Look for in an Employment Contract

When starting a new job, one of the most crucial steps is reviewing your employment contract. This document outlines your rights and responsibilities as an employee and sets the foundation...

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