It’s Time for Change

With, 1 in 6 people experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week, it is important that we take steps to understand issues surrounding mental health.

Harwood are delighted to be working with Lisa Lloyd from It’s Time for Change to ensure that our clients get expert help, advice and training on dealing with mental health, employee wellbeing and much more.

Lisa is a qualified chartered psychologist and psychotherapist. Her business ‘It’s Time for Change’ enables people to thrive and increase their capability by focusing onresilience, emotional intelligence and wellbeing. Lisa works with individuals, groups and organisations within the public sector and the corporate world; to develop knowledge, skills and processes to help people achieve their full potential by being emotionally and socially smart.

Using a combination of psychological, therapeutic and coaching tools, Lisa’s approach is underpinned by the premise that putting good emotional health and skills first improves outcomes at all levels. Lisa helps to enable organisations to work in an emotionally intelligent way that promotes a positive sense of team, culture, purpose and wellbeing; alongside being confident to support colleagues experiencing mental health problems. Her holistic, collaborative approach is based on establishing strong relationships and understanding the needs of those that she is working with in order to develop appropriate support.  Lisa offers a diverse range of support including psychotherapy, group work, training, consultancy and project development with adults and children. Lisa was awarded Psychologist of the Year, Oxfordshire by GHP Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Awards in 2018 and had her business journey featured by OxLEP, ‘Building a Business from a Part-Time Start-Up to Winning Awards’.

If you would like to know more, please contact us.


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