Why Staff Handbooks are so Valuable

Many companies write down their expectations, rules and policies for employees in their employment contracts. However, the law also allows you to keep a separate handbook and make “minor” and “non-detrimental” changes to employment conditions, without having to seek the approval of your employees. Leaving policies and procedures out of the employment contract can also protect you against a breach of contract. If a case goes to tribunal, you may not have to pay as much compensation and, in some cases, none at all. Harwood HR Solutions ensures that your staff handbook contains disciplinary and grievance policies that comply with the Acas Code. We create clear procedures that you can follow to the letter, reducing your non-compliance risk. We also ensure that your staff handbook contains all the information the law requires, such as sickness and holiday rights.

Staff Handbooks

Get all the advice and assistance you need to create a staff handbook

Staff Handbooks set out your employees’ rights, duties and responsibilities when working at your firm. The handbook details a list of things that employees need to know as part of their work.

The handbook also provides employees with policies that comply with the Acas Code – a minimum set of fairness standards that all workplaces must follow. Handbooks need to contain information on statutory rights, pay, holiday leave and on-the-job requirements, such as wearing a uniform.

The employee manual covers a range of policies including codes of conduct, remote working guidelines, parental leave entitlements, disciplinary procedures, dress code expectations, bereavement leave support, data protection protocols, and details on annual and long-term leave benefits. Additionally, it outlines employee benefits, social media usage, and provides a written statement for clarity. However, if you’re not used to writing documents like these, getting everything down on paper can be a challenge.

Harwood HR Solutions provides assistance through every stage of handbook creation. We first appraise your business, find out whether it has any unique quirks, and then build a handbook to match. We make sure that there are no holes, and that you have all key policies and procedures written down.

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